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What Home Health Services Are Covered by the Affordable Care Act?

Many people who rely on regular medical care find it difficult to venture outside the house for a variety of reasons. Ambulatory issues and lack of transportation are just two reasons why these individuals require care at home. These individuals may also rely on the affordable care act and home health care services are sometimes covered by this piece of legislation. Here are two kinds of care that these individuals can expect to receive.

Occasional Skilled Nursing Care

After a hospital visit, a person may need checkups to ensure he or she is recovering as expected. Alternatively, a person with an oxygen tank or an immune system vulnerability may require healthcare providers to come to the home. Nurses can check vital signs, monitor wounds, and recommend treatment, all in the safety of the home. The Affordable Care Act covers these visits.

Physical Therapy

After an illness, an individual may require help in regaining function of their body. A physical therapist can help him or her to move, flex, and stretch the affected area so he or she can return to normal activities or a modified form of functioning. These visits may take place once or twice or continue over the course of months. Under the Act, individuals can receive these services at home instead of the hospital.

Is Temporary Work Right for You? 3 Questions To Ask Before Deciding

Temporary work can be an attractive option for many people. It’s a good idea to ask yourself these three questions before deciding if it is right for you. 

1. How Long Can Temp Work Last?

The question of how long is temporary work can vary depending on a few factors. First, companies that hire temporary workers directly must comply with federal labor laws. These limit temporary workers to 1040 hours per year, which may be sufficient to cover a vacancy due to FMLA or an injury. However, staffing or temp agencies may be able to place their employees at a company for up to a year of full-time work. 

2. Can An Assignment Be Extended?

Despite the one-year cap, temporary workers may be able to stay on with a company for an additional year by extending their contract. This can help maintain stability for both the employee and company. 

3. What About Insurance?

If you are hired as a temporary employee directly through a company, any benefits will likely come from them. This includes things like workers’ comp insurance. However,r if you are working with a staffing company, you will likely be considered one of their employees. In that case, all benefits would flow through the agency responsible for your placement. This is a nice feature since it creates some continuity even if you frequently move between placements. 

Temporary work offers variety and convenience, but you should understand the process, including how long assignments can last and how benefits are calcualted before making a commitment. 

Understanding Driver Shortages in Supply Chain Challenges

Various factors have contributed to supply chain disruptions which are affecting a wide range of consumer markets. Manufacturing obstacles represent only a fraction of the problem, and there are formidable challenges in getting products that are ready to go to distribution facilities. A massive truck driver shortage has forced manufacturers to contend with unprecedented challenges in coordinating logistics for distribution.

Demand Increases

Growing consumer demand for certain items as well as changes in the way people are shopping have made interstate cargo needs higher than ever before. There simply aren’t enough drivers on the road to keep up with current demand levels.

Candidate Shortages

Fewer people are seeking CDL licenses and opting for less demanding job roles with comparable compensation. Many potential drivers have elected to drive local routes which have become increasingly important to large suppliers as more people have been shopping at home.

Industry Changes

Part of the general reticence that potential candidates may have about truck driving is the industry’s current mode of transition. Infrastructure is changing, autonomous vehicles’ development is accelerating, and environmental concerns about the carbon pollution of current fuel sources is heightening.

Companies who rely on truck transport in any aspect of their operations need smart and adaptive strategies to deal with the new landscape. Dynamic risk mitigation strategies can help them to withstand an array of challenges.  

What Does Active Shooter Insurance Cover

Unfortunately, there has been a steady increase in gun-related violence in the United States over the last few decades. Aside from the obvious tragedies that result, there is a variety of consequences that result from active shooters. Here are a few ways that active shooter insurance can protect you and your company.

In the aftermath of the assault, victims and their families may seek restitution from those responsible. Legally, you as the business owner are included in this category. An active shooter insurance policy can protect you from losing your business or other assets should you be taken to court.

Property Damage

Bullets can cause extensive damage to walls, furnishings, computers, windows, and other features and fixtures of your business. If the assailant used an automatic- or semi-automatic weapon, you might be facing hundreds of bullet holes throughout your property. An active shooter insurance policy can help you replace these items quickly and without additional expense.

Loss of Attraction Coverage

In the months or years after a violent attack, people may be wary of visiting your establishment for fear of future attacks or because of the traumatic memories associated with it. This is particularly true of businesses that center on entertainment, such as nightclubs, movie theaters, malls. Your policy can compensate you for revenue lost during this period.

Active shooters can have devastating effects on the people around them, but the right insurance policy can help you and your business recover from the financial consequences.

Tips for Creating a Positive Working Environment in Your Small Business

Workers are placing more importance on the quality of the environment where they spend their days over other factors when deciding whether to make a career change. This makes establishing a healthy and productive environment increasingly important, especially for small businesses hoping to compete with larger companies. These tips can help you create a great work environment to attract and retain top talent. 

Develop a Formal Onboarding Process

Don’t leave new workers to falter on their own. A formal onboarding process can ensure they have the training, knowledge, and tools necessary for success on the job. It is also helpful to offer training updates as needed. 

Encourage Open Communication

Open lines of communication can help eliminate more problems than you might expect. Instead of letting frustrations or concerns build, encourage employees to share them right away. When management listens and responds appropriately to these, employees feel valued. 

Be Flexible

Employees are looking for more flexible work options, such as the option to work remotely or on non-traditional schedules. Be willing to consider these suggestions to help create a positive environment. If you do manage a remote workforce, having regular small business team building sessions can help create cohesion. 

Creating open lines of communication, offering comprehensive training, and being willing to adjust as needed are important steps that can make a big difference in making employees feel valued and respected. 

Answers to Common Questions About ADA Compliance

Category : Auto Insurance

Individuals with disabilities are protected by the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. However, many business owners are unsure precisely what is required to comply with its requirements. Being fully ADA compliant is easier when you understand exactly what the act requires. Here are answers to a few common questions about the ADA.

Who Must Follow the ADA?

These are designed to help individuals interact with businesses. Therefore, transportation providers, government offices, accommodations, publicly accessible areas, and private companies with 15 or more employees must follow the provisions outlined in the ADA.

What Are Reasonable Accommodations?

The ADA does not require reworking your entire business model. However, it does ask for reasonable accommodation. That means you should make minor alterations to procedures to accommodate individuals with disabilities. You must have written policies in place detailing your efforts, allow service animals and mobility devices, and adjust communication methods as needed. 

Does My Website Need To Be Accessible?

Many people think of the internet as the pinnacle of accessibility. However, for individuals with certain disabilities, some websites can be difficult to navigate. That is increasingly problematic as businesses and governments put more information and service access points online. Investing in ADA-compliant websites helps remove barriers.

The ADA makes it easier for individuals with disabilities to interact with businesses. Learning how to achieve compliance is an essential step for any company.

Understanding the Ins and Outs of Hotel Insurance

The hospitality sector is a large and lucrative one. As a hotel owner/operator, you are likely intimately familiar with the complexities of the business, understanding both the rewards of the field and the inherent risks.

Given the nature of the business, carrying reliable hotel insurance is paramount. As you work to find the right insurance policy, understanding a little more about what a program should cover — and how to weigh related factors, like hotel insurance cost — is essential.

What Should Hotel Insurance Cover?

The specifics of any hotel insurance program, and consequently hotel insurance cost, will be based on the unique attributes of a given hotel. How many beds does your establishment have? How many employees? Do you serve food? Questions like these will impact what a policy should cover.

In general, coverage may include some or all of the following:

  • General liability coverage
  • Innkeeper’s liability coverage
  • Liquor liability coverage (if alcohol is served on the premises)
  • Employee coverages, including workers compensation coverage

In general, the actual list of policies and coverages will likely be substantially longer, depending on size and scope of your given operation. For best results in finding a hotel insurance program that works for you, it is important to have a detailed conversation with an experienced insurance provider.

Should You Allow Pets in Your Care Facility?

Category : Tips & Tricks

More nursing homes and long-term care facilities are allowing pets in resident rooms. This can be a huge bonus for residents and staff. However, it also comes with risks. Understanding these can help you decide if allowing pets is a good policy for your facility.

Benefits of Allowing Pets

There is no doubt that pets can prove beneficial to residents. They offer companionship and affection that many nursing home patients sorely need. Pets can help reduce stress and anxiety among patients, which may improve health outcomes. 

Risks Pets Pose

Despite their benefits, there are also many risks of allowing pets. Risks can be minimized with certain care policies, but they cannot be completely eliminated. A few of them include:

  • The possibility of bites
  • Introduction of bacteria and diseases
  • Slip and fall hazards

Alternatives to Allowing Pets

Residents can benefit from having pets in care homes, but the risks may be more than you are willing to take on. One way to limit risks while still enjoying the many benefits animals bring is to contract with a therapy pet team. Other nursing homes use robotic pets to provide a connection. 

Ultimately, it will be up to care home management to decide if allowing pets is a viable policy. Considering the benefits, risks, and alternatives can help you make a sound decision. 

Do You Need Stop Gap Insurance?

Category : Insurance Coverage

Stop gap insurance, or stop gap coverage, is a form of employer’s liability insurance. If any part of your business operates in a monopolistic state, you need it yesterday. 

What is a monopolistic state?

In most states, employers choose their own worker’s compensation insurance policy. Most of these policies include employer’s liability insurance, which protects employers from lawsuits by injured employees.

However, in certain states, all employers are required to buy their worker’s comp insurance from a designated state fund. These states, nicknamed “monopolistic” because of the state government’s monopoly on worker’s comp insurance, generally don’t offer employer’s liability insurance as part of their coverage. This leads to the titular gap in coverage, as businesses in these states lack the protection against employee lawsuits that most businesses take for granted. 

Which states are monopolistic?

Only the following four states are considered monopolistic:

  • Washington
  • Ohio
  • Wyoming
  • North Dakota

A business operating in any of the states listed above needs to purchase stop gap insurance. Large or decentralized businesses with multiple locations should buy stop gap coverage for branches located in monopolistic states. 

United States territories such as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands also require employers to purchase workers’ compensation from monopolistic state funds. Any business operating in a territory should consider buying stop gap insurance. 

Understanding the Basics of the Container Security Initiative

Category : Business Insurance

Security is vital when it comes to business. If you’re the type of business owner who runs a company that involves shipping in any capacity, then you absolutely need to go above and beyond when it comes to protecting your assets and meeting federal regulations. Following the events of September 2001, the United States took a number of extreme steps in order to exhibit more control over every aspect of daily operations in the nation. With shipping, the biggest change was the invention of the CSI by the United States Customs Service.

Reduce Threats

Also known as container security initiative, CSI is a measure that was put into place as a way of reducing potential threats to the security of the country. What’s more, this initiative also protects businesses. Should someone with nefarious purposes commandeer a vessel and taint your cargo, you can rest easy knowing that your insurance covers you no matter what threats might be lurking on the horizon. Other coverage areas to consider include:

  • Workers’ compensation for staff
  • Enhanced policy options for D&O
  • Coverage in the event of errors

Discover the Right Fit

Though insurance is far from a straightforward process, there are many steps you can take in order to find the best policy. Review the basics and learn more about how to create a plan you believe in.