Category Archives: Cyberbullying


3 Things To Know About Cyberbullying

Whether it occurs on school property or within the confines of student homes, cyberbullying has become one of the most pressing problems for schools navigating a hyper-digital era. One of the biggest questions surrounding the issue is how it appears in online classrooms, which have become increasingly popular thanks to both the pandemic and a growing number of alternatives to in-person instruction. It’s therefore critical that parents, students, and education professionals work together to identify and manage the issue

1. What It Is

Bullying can be tricky to define, and its lines become even blurrier when it occurs on a digital platform. Cyberbullying is, however, usually defined as negative, offensive, or harmful comments or actions made via electronic format with the intent to intimidate, harass, or threaten the recipient. Common vessels of cyberbullying include text messages, social media, and digital education systems. 

2. Why It’s a Problem 

Even when cyberbullying occurs off-campus, the effects are felt within school walls. Digital abuse tends to be more impactful than traditional bullying, as it is instantaneous and reaches a much wider audience. The rise in online classrooms has brought the issue to the surface, too, due to the way it merges school and home life. 

3. Who’s Responsible for It 

Generally, schools are not responsible for bullying that happens off-campus, but they may be responsible for cyberbullying that’s carried out via school devices. For example, a school or district can be held accountable for bullying that occurs on a school-supplied laptop, regardless of whether the bullying takes place at school or home. 

Thanks to the exponential growth of educational technology, schools expect to see a rise in cyberbullying and must grapple with the new questions it brings to the surface. Regardless of the approach, mitigating cyberbullying in online classrooms is critical to the success of virtual learning.