What You Can Expect From Adult Day Care Liability Coverage

Day Care

What You Can Expect From Adult Day Care Liability Coverage

An adult day care provides a valuable service to the community. You offer a place where families can trust that their aging loved ones will be safe. To protect your business and your staff, you need solid liability coverage.

General Liability

No matter how careful you are or how safe your center is, accidents sometimes happen. Your general liability policy covers accidents that are not specifically related to the services you provide. It can pay the legal fees and settlements associated with a visitor’s injury or property damage that occurs on your grounds.

Specialized Liability

Every industry has specific risks associated with the services it provides, and adult day care is no exception. There are several adult day care liabilities that your staff may be accused of:

  • Medical malpractice
  • Negligence
  • Poor advice
  • Bodily injury
  • Accounting errors

Even if your staff is not guilty of these errors, clients can still sue for damages they believe they are owed. Whether they are awarded said damages or not, you want to make sure the cost of the lawsuit itself is covered by your insurance provider.

Your adult day care staff is committed to giving clients the best care possible. Protect your staff with good liability coverage that specifically addresses the risks of running an adult day care facility.

Thayer Innes

Tips to Protect Your Business from Liability

If you own a small business, you probably know that even a single lawsuit can mean having to close your doors. While this is true, there are steps you can take to prevent issues and liability, which are found here.

Purchase the Right Insurance

According to Thayer Innes, having the right insurance is the best way to protect your business from liability lawsuits. While each business’s insurance needs are unique, purchasing products, commercial property liability, and general liability coverage are recommended.

Maintain High Standards

Know your business practices down to the very last detail and work with your employees to create high standards for each step of your service or product. When you know how things should be done, you can begin enforcing these standards at every turn.

Test Your Guidelines

Once you establish your standards, you need to test people and processes to ensure they are living up to them. If not, you need to figure out what has gone wrong and what you can do to fix the issue. Failure to do this may result in a liability lawsuit down the road.

Protecting your business takes time and effort. However, when you use the right steps and put the right processes in place, you can reduce the likelihood of a liability lawsuit being filed against your business.