Why Every Library Needs a Risk Management System

Why Every Library Needs a Risk Management System

Category : Risk Management

Whether you’re a book lover or not, it’s hard to deny that libraries are pivotal to the success of any community. From summer programs for kids to free internet access, they offer something for everyone. Their public-facing nature, however, means libraries face a greater risk of experiencing profound losses and damages. Fortunately, having a library management system in place helps minimize the impact of these threats. 

Prevent Theft 

Most libraries are stocked with more than just books. Video equipment, computers, and informational CDs and DVDs are available for in-house use and usually can be rented. This access increases the chances that thieves can covertly steal any of these items, all of which are expensive to replace. 

Avoid Cyber Attacks

Any business or community space with public computers are vulnerable to cyber attacks. A patron can introduce a virus to the computer, intentionally or accidentally, and hackers can access the databases that contain personal information on the library’s patrons. 

Reduce Opportunities for Harassment 

Unfortunately, due to their private nature––complete with nooks, crannies, and study rooms––sexual harassment is not an uncommon occurrence within library walls. To avoid legal trouble, libraries must put in place strict policies that ensure the emotional and physical safety of all patrons. 

These are just a few threats that the average library faces on a daily basis. To ensure long-term success, it’s critical that every library develop a management plan to assess and account for these risks.