The Simple Timeline for a Growing Baby’s Diet

The Simple Timeline for a Growing Baby’s Diet

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Caring for a baby can be an overwhelming job, especially when it comes to feeding. The debate of breastfeeding versus formula can seem like it never ends, but the fact is that nourishment plays a huge role in infant health. If you’re interested in the basic baby diet, here are some guidelines.

Babies four months old and under should be consuming breast milk or formula exclusively. At this age, solid foods would be too rough on the developing digestive system.

When a child shows signs of being ready for solid food, usually between four and six months, pureed meat, fruit and vegetables along with appropriate cereals can be added to a diet of formula or breast milk. Common signs to look for include the ability to hold a spoon in the mouth, sitting up in a highchair, and doubling the birth weight.

The amounts of food will likely be small, though at around six to eight months the amounts can increase slightly and a larger variety of pureed foods can be added.

From eight to ten months, you can think about adding items like cheese and other small finger foods. Cheerios, teething crackers, scrambled eggs and pasta are common. At ten to twelve months, you can begin adding bite sized solid foods in increasing quantities.

If you have any concerns or questions, your doctor should be your first resource. Though getting your baby to enjoy certain foods may feel like a battle, a baby diet is relatively simple to follow so that your child can grow at a healthy pace.